Friday, November 7, 2008

Its really hard to control the heart

Several times in several situations we could have experienced this in our life, heart taking over our mind. Our mind always analyses and predicts the reaction of each action that we would plan or intend to do. But even though our mind would suggest not to do something, its our stupid heart that will not listen to our mind. At this condition we would actually be doing what our heart says. And this is due to power of heart that is higher than mind, whereas saints meditate and concentrates their mind on things so that improving their power of mind over heart is high. Hence it is always good do things what your mind says than listening to your heart.

Meditation and yoga brings a great power to brain, speaking about yoga or meditation doesn't mean that you have to be spiritual or i am not speaking about superficial things, its just that silence and calmness is always a great force for a human being.

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