Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I love growing beard because it gives a wise feeling

See this post may seems to be silly, but the thing is that everyone who i see around were asking me whether any love failure. See like ive told several times i never fell in love, that was a crush before. That too the crush was like having a liking to pick up a cute little baby in your arms, but when the baby hesitates or cries, then you would just leave her to her mom and admire her from distance. That was the same condition that happened to me. And this beard growing has nothing to do with that. Actually i have the habit of growing long beard in the exam times because i have a crazy belief that growing beard will make me wise., and wiseness is essential at exam times rite ?. Also i have the hobby of going to a spiritual place in every semester holiday, and the beard will make me feel like a saint, a wise man, it gives a divine feel. And here is one of my picture i like to share,. look at it, and try to imagine the ambiance that i would have felt at that place and at that time.It was morning 5.30 and bright sky with orange light, it was last December, winter morning cold.
I and my friend stayed at the top of that mount several feet above the ground. At a place like this is where you can feel so many new things and your mind will be so fresh. Much eager to go there even in this December too. It was for this reason i particularly grow beard in the exam times. Now this time i have a interview in middle so i guess the beard is not gonna last for long time. How ever the beard always works well with me, its kind of lucky symbol for me. I wrote all the exams well this time, except DSP, but even DSP(Digital Signal Processing) did quite well than expected. So i love growing beard, but i would shave regularly just because of a advice from a close well wisher of mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?