Saturday, October 18, 2008

Google chrome crash occurs often

I never expected such a poor browser from world famous google. I had a great expectation before installing the browser, but after installing the browser there was regular errors with it. Recently had experienced to see world famous company's browser crash for no reason. I was just browsing and suddenly found some error and couldn't open google chrome any more. There was a crazy graphic image and a message saying unfortunately chrome had crashed. I uninstalled the browser and tried to reinstalled, was going fine till a week, and another time the browser crashed. And now it became the regular habit of chrome to crash. lol funny to hear rite,. but its true. Hope google will atleast take steps in future to reduce these kind of silly and crazy errors later.


Anonymous said...

it never crashed for me :-) :-)

Vijay said...

believe me , its a worst browser

kumar said...

chrome rocks