Saturday, October 25, 2008

Timon the most optimistic character

“Hakuna Matata” – No worries
This great phrase invented by highly genius soul “Timon”, well technically it was actually “Rafiki” who would have coined the word in the movie, but the word comes from Rafiki as a reflection of Timon so it belongs to Timon. I always admire the character “Timon” the most in the lion king. Nathan Lane had really spoken well through Timon. My favorite quote from Timmy boy is

“And if he falls in love tonight,
It can be assumed, his care free days
With us are history, In short our pal is doomed”

Timon is a hell of sarcasms and I love his style, I just always wanna be like Timon in life than being Simba. What could you ask more in life, a mentality and character of Timon is far enough. Well sometimes I also dream for Rafiki’s wisdom. And to add to life, a friend like Pumba will be perfect. Always reality is hard and strange with its ugly face whereas imaginary things are great to go for. Both Nathan Lane and Ernie Sabella had done great vocals in the Lion kings, particularly the accent and the pitch at which both of them speaks is so amazing and wonderful. Of course Lion kings 1, 2 and 3 had a great welcome from people but I am wondering will there be Lion kings 4, because if there would be a part 4 of the movie in future it will be awesome to watch.

Friday, October 24, 2008

In my study holidays things were so much distracting

I really felt that this post is essential to be shared with people so that you can understand my condition on the study leave. First couple of days in the beginning of my study leave went fine with considerable amount of study, but the third day it started. Boringness, when I sit in front of a book it appeared to be like the most annoying thing. So thought ok, lets make a little change to mind and then sit back to study. So I went online in gtalk asking my friends what they were doing, many replied not started studying and many had the same status “bored”. (Manasukku konjam santhoshamaa irunthuthu), If I get in front of computer then its really hard to move away from there because I would be doing browsing, chatting, and other works so sincerely so that I sometime i will not be aware how time flies. Thus I some how managed to move my butt away from the computer and again opened the book with a oscillating mind. Ohhh no, all the stuffs appeared new to me, well it’s a simple student psychology that we will not study in college days thinking that we can make it in study holidays. And when its study holiday time then we would compromise our brain by telling “lets do it later, there is hell of time” and I am not an exception for it.

It was half a day past, and this time I managed to study half a unit in a local author book studying for 45mins straight, and mind was whispering to myself (“dai romba padikkathada kolambida podhu”) “don’t study too much you’l get confused”. So went to watch TV, I usually don’t have the habit of watching TV, but now at this time I felt I can sit even on a hot stove instead of sitting before a book. Chutti TV was my preference, there was a cartoon (World short stories), good to watch. In middle my mom said she wanna watch a serial show, (“Cha,. Study holidayla oru manushaan nimmathiya TV kooda paaka mudiyala, inna veedu da ithu”) I shouted at her and went inside my room and got locked up inside. I don’t have the habit of sleeping in day time (exception in class rooms). Then I was looking through the window from my room, it was little dark outside (athukkula poluthu poiducha, no chance, time poogaavey illaye), no it was not evening, its just cloudy. There was a call from Mother Nature, cool breeze with wonderful scenery. It dragged me to my house top, as my place is in Madipakkam (In Chennai – India) a calm area and water, grass field around my home I like to spend my time sitting on house top and watch the beauty all alone. I went upstairs welcomed by cool breeze, it was before rain the wind blowing to blow away clouds, and it was dark creating an anxiety whether it will rain or not. But the climate was so good, after which it started drizzling while I was sitting there. Small droplets of water pouring on me, I didn’t have the heart to get away from there finding a shelter. So I just stayed there and got wet, and a little thought strike into my mind saying what if you get cold, its your exam time be careful. If someone would have seen me that time they would have thought “is he taking bath in rain?, does Chennai suffering from so much scarcity?”. I went down to my home and sat back in front of book in the rhythm of rain water dropping I just tried to study that’s all.........,

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lab exams and studies vague weekend and nothing to do

The past week had been really a vague week for me, really nothing special happened except a new arrival of a puppy to my home. I was preparing for my university lab exams and the week had been a complete boring time of my life. Usually i have the habit of updating my blog in the weekends but this weekend i really ran out of subjects. Well i could really write a post on my university labs and how i helped many students in my class and the other class to get output in their univ lab, but i don't wanna get into any troubles. But like people say (Naalu perukku nallathu senja, yethuvumey thappu illa) i felt great about helping people with the univ lab. They all thanked me, even the other section guys and said "theivamey unga kaiya kaalaa nanachi kumbudromnu" (means, you are our saviour) and they even planned for giving me bumps (a traditional way in India to greet another person) thank God i escaped. Felt really great for my work and like the old saying "nalu perukku help senja, unakku help thaanaa kadaikkum (means if you help others, you will receive help) i too did my lab exams well. And happy for finishing all my labs in the entire B.E.

Other than that i have university exams ahead and has this commitment to work hard, stay in hostel and stuffs, so i guess there will be a long gap in posting any new posts. Well study holidays have already started and i am really trying to do things, plan things, learn thing but finally ending up with nothing. Just trying to read something from book for my exams, really afraid of DSP (digital signal processing) paper in this semester because people call it as Degree stopping paper(DSP) in short. Phooffff,. really its a long breath to take when i think about all the exams ahead and works that had to be done. I have to take the books, dust them off, identify the current semester books, sit for study, and its a looooooooong journey to go. :P

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Google chrome crash occurs often

I never expected such a poor browser from world famous google. I had a great expectation before installing the browser, but after installing the browser there was regular errors with it. Recently had experienced to see world famous company's browser crash for no reason. I was just browsing and suddenly found some error and couldn't open google chrome any more. There was a crazy graphic image and a message saying unfortunately chrome had crashed. I uninstalled the browser and tried to reinstalled, was going fine till a week, and another time the browser crashed. And now it became the regular habit of chrome to crash. lol funny to hear rite,. but its true. Hope google will atleast take steps in future to reduce these kind of silly and crazy errors later.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dooms day 2012 says Mayan’s Calendar and I Ching

This time it seems pretty sure that there is gonna be something big ahead for us on December 21st, 2021. People may be tired of listening to the prophecies that says end has come, it was same on my side to. But I had been reading and analyzing about this Dooms day 2012 topic for a while and found that there is something serious with it. Mayan’s calendar is developed by the Mayan tribes of Middle America. Actually those people are time keepers of their period, their calculations were so accurate that we can predict a solar eclipse of our period from their calendar even though the calendar was designed 6000 years ago. The calendar was more accurate than our own modern day calendar. But the calendar does not show any details above the date December 21st of 2012. Also their prophecy says that the Dec 21st 2012 is the end day of the world. This is the case one side, but on the other side I Ching is a Chinese prediction which also says the same thing. I Ching have already predicted several happenings before, and even the Mayan’s prophecy too has predicted many events. But both Mayan and I Ching are from different ends of world, Mayan from America and I Chang from China, but the similarity of both is amazing.
Apart from the above there are also several prophecies which says the end day is December 21st 2012. Nosterdomas prophecy also predicts the same, bible have spoken about this dooms day.

And the above said are olden day prophecies but the shocking news is that a web-bot developed to predict the stock market changes have amazing ability to spider through all the web pages and predict many things. This Web-Bot had predicted the September 11, attack on America correctly before. This Web-Bot now predicts that December 21st 2021 is going to be the dooms day of the world. But if this is wrong information why everything does points to the same day amazingly. This puts into a question that, what if the Dec 21st 2012 is really the end. Anyway lets hope for the best, that’s what we can actually do.
But now recently scientists found a black hole that lies in center of our galaxy, and in the date December 21st 2012 earth will line up exactly on a straight line to all planets and sun and because of that there could a pole shift that can occur. This Pole shift means the north and South Pole location will change because of a shift in the earth’s position. This was predicted by scientists of our period, and this pole shift will cause Tsunami, Volcanic eruptions, Earth quakes on earth.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Here is my Orkut Story

As I’ve already mentioned I don’t know about Orkut till my diploma, and while I joined SSN, seniors asked me whether I joined Orkut,. Well at that time I thought Orkut is actually a tuition center for engineering. Lol,. Ya I know that’s funny,. Then they told me later that orkut is a very big social network where you can keep in touch with school and college friends. It was always troubling me that I’ve actually lost contact with one of my friend from school days. Actually I lived in Saidapet(a place in Chennai in India) while I was young, and I did my primary education in a school called “Little flower Matriculation school-Saidapet”. While I was doing my LKG and UKG itself I was a gangster, I had friend circle, all cute little buddies. My best buddy at that time was a boy called “Prasanna”, well he is a Brahmin(Why I’m mentioning it in particular, u’ll know later).

Prasanna and I used to hang around most of the time, and we were so close. We did everything together, going to toilet, sitting in same bench, telling rhymes, I still remember those days, they are just bright and clear in my mind. He used to share my food, but Prasanna’s mother who was a Tamil teacher on the same school didn’t like him sharing my food (yeah it’s the regular Brahmin and non-Brahmin stuff) but still I was a vegetarian then.
I remember once, we were sitting in the back bench in a play hour, it was heavily raining and no teacher was there in class. A girl was sleeping on the front bench lying down on the writing desk. And we had a deal,. 1st I went to the front bench pinched the sleeping girl in her hand and came back,. She woke up and turned around and slept, next he went and pinched her, it was again and again. Next day the girl came with her elder brother and he was warning both of us. Believe me it happened in my LKG, lol, I still remember the scene in my mind clearly.
(Here is a pic for you to give you a clear picture to show how we were fooling around, two boys in the pic is me and Prasanna,. and one lying on the bench describes the little girl)

I and Prasanna were best kinder garden pals., until a terrible thing happened in my life. While we was studying 2nd standard my dad got promotion with transfer. And since my dad has to work in another city, he want me and my mom to live in our granny’s home in a different place (Thiruvotriuor).
So I was small then, and I had to say good bye to him, and since I was young I didn’t had any idea of getting his contact details or address. In those days only some people had phones.
I left him that day, and haven’t seen him from then, but I always used to remember him. Had this guilt of not keeping in touch with my best friend. I always wanted to go to Saidapet and find him again, but I made my move only after completing my diploma,. I went to the school that I studied (Little flower Mat Hr.) and asked about him and his mom who was working there. But they said they don’t have his address and his mom left the school it seems.

Later after I joined SSN college, I became a member in Orkut and found that school’s community in Orkut, I joined the community and sent a mail to all members in the community about what happened. And amazingly I got reply from 2 persons stating that they know him and they will find his contact and inform me. So I was waiting for a long time. Then finally one day I received a message which said “Hai, I am Prasanna, what you want, who are you?”
I was hurt so badly, after all I thought he would atleast remember me. But he told me that he don’t remember anything. He even did not accept my friend request in the beginning and even didn’t give his phone number. Later he clarified with his mom about me and gave his phone number. Thank God atleast his mom remembered me. But now we are just stranger, of course he is in my friend list but he wont talk to me and neither do I,. Don’t search for him in my orkut account,. He is in the friend list of my old orkut account.
This is the sad story of mine about my old pal and orkut,. I still remember the days we tasted the eraser and pencil leads,. But today things are way different. I guess that’s life, Moving on is the major thing that always we do in life.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Vj and Ra the Dumb and Dumber

Here is a post about my best pal and our friendship. In fact Ramani is the only person who is my real crime mate. We do everything together in college lab, assignments, study, programming(some lies are permitted) and even pee together. We are really crazy guys, always cracking jokes and get kalaichified by people. When it comes to getting correction in record, it will be a big war. I would have to take print outs and his job is to align them and arrange it in file.

When it comes to lab, both of us are novice at programming and, he will pretend like typing the program and i will pretend to debug the program, (but actually we used to get the program from some others and he will type some funny words pretending to code, i will be deleting the blank lines and comment lines in the program). And for sure we cannot stop from laughing by the funny things that we do.
But he is a ultimate sombari boy and i am extra energetic person,. I am sure that they can make "Dumb and Dumber" part 2 out of both of us.
Well i am Jim carry, and he is the other side kick,. lol,. seriously he had been more supportive in some tough conditions in college life. Always tries to boost me up,.. We are more like "Timon and Pumba" where i am Timon and he is "Pumba",. because many times unexpectedly i let him to some minor troubles. But yet we are good friends,. And i like to dedicate one of my favorite song to him and for our friendship,.... Well the song is exactly written for both of us,.
We both are close and Timon and Pumba will be the exact resemblance of us..,

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Scoldings, troubles, problems

I was really a silent and decent guy for a very long time, and i was bored with my life back then. I tried to be nice to people always, and talking philosophy, taking things serious, being really sensitive, but i didn't make any big deal out of it. Even a people of my own class would not identify me back then, because i used to be really a dumb sticking to myself. 
And later i decided its my life, and its just a small period i am gonna be alive in this world. So just thought to come out of my commotions, emotions and be a cool headed person, fooling around and playing with people. After the tremendous change i was getting to know people, and people started to know me. I started to build a lot of relations, sometimes i used to play too much with people and head up with breaking up with some kind of friends. Sometimes people come to me by themselves and talk to me, play with me. And sometimes those people will cause troubles to me and finally would tell me that they hate me and never wanna talk to me anymore. There are also times where i start to go behind some particular people and which would lead to embarrassment. But there are several times i meet people and move with them building strong bonds. Thats why i still have a big circle of friends who smiles when they see me (real smile), and care for me when i am down. But living several days in this world i've learnt only one thing, happiness is no longer the same, sadness is no longer the same,.. Friends are not always friends, enimies are not always enimies. Things changes, life is changing, people are changing, and i too do change.

All the things ever implies to me that i am becoming famous, and my name will be remembered by people and i am setting a strong memoral of my name, even though i go away or get lost completly. I am Vj and i will be remembered...