Saturday, September 27, 2008

Parallel Universe theory could it be true

From ancient time of Einstein, it had been really confusing when we speak about relativity and Quantum physics or Quantum theory. Now another theory based on quantum which exists and cannot be denied is the parallel universe theory according to which there are several parallel universe that exists similar to ours and there are people like you and me,. a xerox copy of us existing on those universe doing weird things. And according to the quantum theory combined with the parallel universe theory, there are different patterns or weird things happening on the parallel universe,. of example lets say I've written this blog now and you are reading it, and in the parallel universe it could be the vise versa,.

It is really complicated to understand and to accept,. so understanding the readers mentality i provided above with a short description. But if you would like to go on ,. the below is a detailed explanation of Quantum and Parallel theories.

First what is quantum, relativity is what we are already familiar with according to which everything happens as an effect of something. But this is only true in the enlarged view, i.e in the real world, what if we move on to atoms ?., the path of electrons are unpredictable and everything within atom happens weird. This leads to quantum theory which says things occurs randomly and anything is possible in a quantum world. But how can you say that anything is possible, if i can't able to fly high, or if i list out the things that i cannot do ,..... So this questions let to emergence of a new theory from our scientists that what we see around us are parallel universe billions of miles apart from our universe. And they contain humans like us,. our very own xerox copy on those universe, and what we are not doing or lets say not able to do here in our universe is what actually they can do,. or they are doing in their universe.... Lets say i loved a girl here, and she hates me so i broke up with her in this universe, then in parallel universe the girl could have accepted my love and i could have been dating her there.
This post can be continued in future with respect to the response i get from the users, and be frank to post your comments and questions.

Friday, September 26, 2008

My SSN Friends Part 1

In the beginning when i joined SSN after finishing my diploma education from a very strict college (Sai ram polytechnic) i was a baby, i was so immature. I had a small circle in my mind, and i lived within a small circle without interacting much with peoples around. I was more of a silent guy, calm, less talking, and looking weird. But after entering the SSN, things were really different. The first day in my college bus, i was raged by seniors (like i mentioned in my previous post). I fought with seniors and even scolded a senior and bet him. From then nobody in my bus was speaking to me. I used to sit in front seats of the college bus, and was more like a school kid. 

Many were speaking bad words, and i wasn't comfortable, because way back on those days i used to thing even "Maiyuru" as a big bad word. But later i got used to these kind of things and now i am familiar with bad words and i speaks a lot casually. But i had a reason, i wanted to mingle with people, and be a people's person, wanna be a gangster. So i adopted myself to fit in all activities that appeared mean to me in the beginning. Like in beginning i didn't understand what is there with looking at girls. But in college bus stop all my class mates would gather and walk around watching girls. I too started to walk with them just to get close with pals. 
I started making fun of people, got back some too,. these all things made me lot of friends. Now i have so many people in SSN,. where as in my diploma college i even don't know even a person in my class.
Life brings a lot of changes, and its always good to change,. because change in life brings experience. Then i learnt a great lesson from my SSN college,. 

"Boys are mean, we do all the bullshits, we are whom we are, we are 100% original"

Then after days passed by my seniors in bus turned to be close and i was sarcastic making fun of them too.  Yeah i lost somethings after changing, but also gained someother things. I became big boy after joining college, .. And my friends and secrets will be revealed in my following posts that are to be followed. 

Friday, September 19, 2008

Name Vj got me into trouble

I thought the name Vj is so stylish and gethu so changed my orkut name,. but later one fine day it was my English Communication Lab,. And we were given a topic to discuss, and it was a GD going on that class. Well since I am poor at talking in public, I decided some points to speak on,. But unfortunately a girl before my group spoke all the points that ive collected. And I was the immediate next group to speak and my group people thought I would speak first,. And when I started, as all the points ive collected were already spoken,. So I started as “I completely agree with what (Girl’s Name) said. Avlo thaanga sonnen,. The whole class was laughing at me, and even the lab professor. The most horrible thing was that, the girl’s name starts with “J”,. and that it,. They built a new story that I named myself as Vj because “V” denotes Vijay and “J” denotes etc etc..,

I always love making fun of my friends and make people around me laugh,. I am a hell of sarcasm,. But after that incident I understood the pain of getting kalaichified. Before that incident paarapacham pakkama ellarayum kalaichikitu irundhen,. But than,. Parapacham paakkaama ellaarum yenna kalaikka aaramichutanunga,. Ithula koduma innanaa,. Nan antha ponnu kooda pesanathu kooda illa,.. lol,

So this was one part of the story,. Ippidi naan gethu yetharathukku vecha peralaye yenna vethu akkitanunga those idots so called my friends, Naanum kalaichittu pongadaa nu vittuten,. Later I composed music for paradigm,. Our college symposium main presentation,. Lot of people appreciated my work,. Mainly I named myself as “Vj” because the name appeared to be more musical. But after that presentation music thing, those stupid buggers started calling me “Sound party”, ada arivu off anavangalaa,. Ithukku thaan naney Vj nu oru nalla pera vechikitu irudheney da,. Arppa patharugala,. And this was how I was cornered and went helpless….., :z

Legacy of the name Vj

I was born and there was a quarrel between my dad and my grandmother regarding naming me. My dad suggested a name “Vijay”, because its stylish,. But my grandmother wanted to name me as “Ganesh” because I was sick while born and was incubated for 3 days, so she prayed to Lord Ganesh (Hindu God) and that’s how I got a name “Vijay Ganesh”. But then after I grew up and came to college, I was making friends around the world through internet and also I was so crazy about music.

I made many online friends from different countries, one from Canada, two from America, London, France, and even from China and recently from Austria. I always dreamed to be a world citizen and a musician. I was inspired by many Musicians,. One day while I was chatting through voice with my friend Jay (Sorry for calling you friend Jay bro) ,. Now he is more close as a relative to me,. He said that most of Indian names are difficult to pronounce but my name is very easy to pronounce,. He gave me the name “VJ” and I was happy about it. And since the name more resembled to the pattern MJ(Michael Jackson) and EJ(Elton John) I then changed my orkut name and email id such things and even my friends started calling me Vj.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Paradigm ofcourse i can forget that (Making of music)

In this post i'd like to share my experience on creating the music for my college symposium presentation video. First when i was asked to create music for the presentation video, i was feared because, 1st thing is that i am not much interested to work for the college which gives me low internal mark, and second is that even though if i compose a music there will be negative comments about it from people. But it was my close pal chocks, who actually believed in me and asked personally to help him. Already he was alone working with the Animation, and i dont wanted him to struggle with music to the video. So thats how i got into picture.
Chocks told me about the theme of the video, and he asked me to compose a heavy beat music before he completed the video. I just went home and work on for 3 days, trying to compose something ending with dissatisfaction. And finally i managed to compose a track that made me feel great. But chocks finished the video on a evening and sent me the video, only a day in middle left for the presentation. And i matched the video with the music track i've composed. I was panic, the music didn't suite the video. It was pain in my ass,.. How could i answer him,. he believed me, and i really have to do something and fast. I was told from people, even from Chocks that if i could'nt compose a good music, steal from anything atleast. I left without any choice, i searched for many tracks in the internet and atlast found a track which atleast went fine with the master piece of Chocks and i added some beats and effects to the track..,
Video of Chocks :

But the other terrible thing was i was given another video from 3rd year guys and asked to compose music. That video already contained music but it was cine tracks from Billa(new), Shivaji, and so on,. the beats were heavy and suited well for the video already. But they were cine tracks and hence they gave the video to me for modifying the audio with some western beats.
I took it as a challenge and mixed the video with the track i've already composed. Thank God, it worked, but there was little modification,.. I have to sync the track with video effects that keep changing constantly. And Since i composed the music with Sony Acid loops and Fl studio, i was able to clearly synchronize the track for the video. And finally it worked great,. i was happy to listen to the music that ive composed. When i heard the whole composition for the first time with the video,. i stood up on the chair where i was sitting, and jumped on it saying to myself that "I have done a Dope".., repeating the same lines i was jumping and the 3rd time when i jumped, my legs directly penetrated into the plastic chair on which i was standing and had to face a problem with my family.
This is how i made it,. well the music ive composed may not appear great to others but as a composer (original composer) it was a music from heaven to me.
The below is the video that i composed music,. 100% own work..,

I can forget about the things happened in Paradigm,. but i cannot forget the above experience..., :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Life no longer remains happy to me

You may think why am i so negative, but if you read through this post, you will understand the problem, the problem is not only mine but of many others like me. They say i am an adult now,. now do you understand my problem, if you don't read through,.

I was a baby, learning a lot and lot while i was young and finally i fitted myself into babyhood, doing things properly what a baby would do. It was hard in the beginning to get started as a baby, but i got practiced and settled as a baby. Then one day, immediately without any prior intimation they told i became a boy, and they dropped me into Kinder garden. Its now in my childhood, i got whippings in my butt and asked to do my home work and stuffs. It took me so long to settle with my childhood as a kid. It was really really hard, and i tried, tried finally at my age of 12, i learned how to be a boy with all the school and things. And again they got me into trouble saying that now i am a grown up kid, so they expected different things from me, and the wanted me to change,. then it was hard but i did my level best to cross it and comfortably settled in the grown up kid state. Then it ended with college boy,. another hectic level of life,. took a long time to change from school boy to college boy,. and even now i am more of a school kid and not really completely became a college boy. And those punks came again and telling me now that i am an adult now, and gotta do things on my own,. they want me to work for my living. hmm, . sure i will get a job,. but when i turn back and look back at the path that have traveled coming so far, my head is spinning.

Its ok till now,. but i don't know what more changes will they bring in my life,. the changes they creates in my life sometimes make me forget that its my life. Its not only me who is facing this problem but all of them,. i know and for many they don't take this as a problem. But its hard you gotta accept that, and really so many tears and joy in the path of travel, makes to loose hope in life. And the punks ive been talking about are about the society that we live in.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Quantum theory and Unification theory total mind f'ck

Well Einstein said there is a reason, but what could be the reason is the question which lead to the birth of Quantum theory. If there are certain constrains that involves in the happening of something then we may call it relativity, but what if we something happens randomly, obviously we would call it as Quantum. But what if our knowledge is small to identify the constrain of a happening and hence misjudge it as Quantum. Else the other chance could be, what if the relativity is part of randomness. This is getting huge, kindles the brain and once again bringing the same lines in front of us, "there are certain things human cannot decide or understand". Well there had been same confusions in past which are solved in the presence. But even in future, even if a solution is found for this question, there will still be theories to prove. Like the truth and false, like good and evil, hard and soft, light and dark, always there is a contradiction that exists. Positive and negative, a will still exist until the world reaches its end. Similarly Quantum and Relativity is one such pair as mentioned above, but still both are inter-related and inseparable.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Jim Carrey gonna rock in "Yes Man"

Jim Carrey, my favorite, his recent work after the "Horton hears a who" is gonna be "Yes Man". The movie has more expectation among international Jim fans because it had been really long time. Jim did his latest movie Number 23 in 2007 and he didn't appear in movies from then. Even in "Horton hears a who" he just gave voice to the elephant Horton. The movie 'Yes Man' appears to be a humor movie like expected, and i believe Jimmy gonna surprise us with his unexpected sense of humor in this movie too. Zooey Deschanel is the heroine in this movie, she is hot looking but never known her in a humor movie. I watched her movies "The Happening" and in one of my favorite movie "Bridge to Terabithia". In both the movies she had a important and serious role. Jim is for sure gonna mess with her and the movie is gonna be sure fun to watch. But the release date is only December of this year (2008). So Jim fans has to wait till then to watch his work, and also i am waiting in particular to see Zooey's performance with Jim. The story of "Yes Man" is assumed to be that, Jim says 'Yes' to everything for 6months to bring positive and interesting changes and that leads him to trouble and turn the whole happening fun. Lets wait to see what is the real thing that happens in the movie.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Disclaimer to this blog

This blog contains my own thoughts
and the incident took place in my life.
and everything in this post doesn't denote
anyone or anything in particular,If these post resembles
any incident or any person in your life,
then it is purely accidental.I welcome only close friends
and extreme strangers to my blog, other people
who don't like my post are not forced to read it,. heck off

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I got myself into trouble but i deserve it

Warning : This post is explicit and may contain words that are explicit

I said i wont talk about love in my blog here after but this post is different, and i hope the readers would enjoy reading this post. And forgive me if you think that this is a bad post. It was a Saturday evening(07-Sep) i was just visiting some random blogs through blogcatalog, and also i was adding some friends to my friend list through blogcatalog site, And randomly i visited a blog and read a post in it, actually the words in that post were awesome describing a travel to a place. But i didn't really finish reading the whole post. I saw the profile of the blogger and in which many people commented that the author of the blog, Pascal is a great person and everyone commented great about the blog, so i added him as friend. He was from Israel.

I got a comment in my blogcatalog which says
"wish i could on on my knees closer to you, pascal."
I thought that he is so nice and i replied
"Its my pleasure to add you as friend,. love you"
the "love you", these words i used because as a reply to the words he used and i am spiritual so loving every living thing is my aim, so i used those words. But then i was out for a big surprise.
He sent me a mail with his picture which says,
"Pascal, dressed in red&white in the middle of the picture. Which part of the world do you live?? I'd like to know more about you"
I was always interested in making friends around the world,. so i thought that i found a good friend without putting much effort. So i replied
"Thanks for letting me know abt you sir,. nice post.., I am from India (Tamil Nadu)"
then his mail came which goes on as follows,
"I realized you were from India, but where is Tamil Nadu located?? I lived in Bengalor for 1 year. Any picture of yours I could see closer??"
I was not aware of anything so, i sent a reply and a close picture of mine, my reply was...
"I am a student, doing my bachelors degree in computer science,. and im from India,. I was attracted by ur blog because the words and posts were about internal feelings of heart that comes out about everything you see around,. glad to meet you and speak to you.., evolution is amazing that brings people of same kind closer even if they stay far away from each other,.

This is my pic I've sent with this mail
But only after sending this mail started reading his blog thoroughly and the contents were explicit and i was very much shocked to know that the guy is homosexual person. I read his posts one by one,. i studied about a feeling of a homo, a person who is different to the society. The posts were too explicit, to be frank,. i felt yukky feeling to read, but the lines explained the sorrow and need of a human being,. World is different and has people with totally different thoughts and feelings. This is what i learned. And i was much shocked by his reply,
Wish i could make you happy...

indeed, emotions and searching for REAL
and genuine love bring people together, no matter
how far or the distances. souls are stronger. "
this seemed more gay talk, and i was so uncomfortable to read his reply. But i didn't wanna be hard and rough turning my back on him and scold him for what he sent. My reply for his mail goes on like follows.,
I am not a homo,. i am straight,. and i feel yeeeewwww when i think myself as a gay,. but that doesn't mean that i don't respect or i couldn't understand the feelings of homosexuals., I am more philosophical and loves to learn about different people in the world,. so i just enjoy reading your blog thats all,. and i can be ur friend.., "
This is what i replied, but the reply which he gave for mine was sarcastic,..
"I understand quite well.
Indeed, we can remain friends!
I have never raped anyone !LOL! "
How funny,. i couldn't stop from laughing .,, and replied to him
"lol..., Rofl....., thanks for understanding pal,. i really love your style of writing and view of seeing things man,. I will keep reading ur post bcos, i like to know more abt ur life,.abt ur commitments.., i hope you keep in touch with this friend.., "
And i thought that this would be the end of our conversation atleast for a while,. But i got an immediate reply from him.
"you are really s*xy! LOVE YOU EYES!
bright, clever and somewhat cheeky!
You must be fun too!

My life is 100% as described in the blog...
Actually, they are extracts online as a 'demo''
for publishers until I finish writing it in 2.months
and get the manuscript get to be sent to Paris
publishers "
Well to be frank, i was happy about the compliments he gave regarding my appearance, and surprised that he is writing a book out of his experience and that is going to be published. So i replied
"Thanks for ur comments,. ive read ur blog,. it contains more and more info only about your love life,. is there anyother thing that you give more importance than ur love life ??., wat about your family..,? "
then he sent me a reply saying that,
"it is deeply explained all the way you read....
my love life is NIL. My sex life life is full.
Family, dreams and quest for happiness and
philosophy will be expressed as you have time to read
more... "
This was the end mail for that day,. i was bit afraid to continue with him,. but also felt that he is a human, so there is nothing wrong in making friendship with him,. i am what i am, he is not going to change anything. But next day morning i was really scared by his mail,. And its subject was "My beautiful one..," well he mentioned about me..,
"Thought of you last....
Sucked a handsome guy, thought of you
as he shot in my deep throat.
he sat back and relax in front of a hetero
porn movie (he's straight) as i was down
at his knee working hard to make him blow.
The guy loved it..
Pascal. "
After seeing this mail,. i got a silly thought in my mind,. "what would have he done with my pic last night" lolz., But i seriously dont like the sexual conversation so i sent him a mail which says,.
"Hai there pal,.
Now u are really scaring me,. lol., plzzz stop such comments,. ofcourse i like the poetic flow of ur words, but the meaning is what troubles me man,. I know how much u r passionate towards sex,. but there are so many homo outside, from which you can find your man for whom u r searching all these days, the one who understands ur feelings. I wish u find him soon, but i am way different man,. i dont have liking towards love or sex,. i am more of a philosopher kind of person. Anyway thanks for ur mail,.

Ur friend
Vj "
So then i knew would send me a immediate reply. And yes his reply arrived which said,
"I KNOW! But I only suck married men.
(He sent me on of his post address)
I do not like 'gays'...
So this is what happened, and it may be funny to read. But this is what happened. I should have read his blog fully before commenting or adding him as friend, so i deserve it,. But he is still a human, a good soul, but with activities and character different from regular people thats all.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Google Chrome is not a big deal

Google has launched its web browser for the first time, "Chrome" is the name of the browser released and it is beta version. With much expectation among the users the browser has been released. Its appearance is more similar to the IE (Internet explorer) and the basic options provided by the browser resembles more of the Firefox browser. The tab options, bookmarks embedded within address bar, search compatible address bar option are eye candies of the Chrome. But still the menu items remains uncomfortable to the users both in visualizing and for getting used with. It seems Google tried to create a browser with simplicity and reliability with good performance, but forgot to take care of the options. Though the whole package is simple and contains basic options, there is nothing really innovative in it. Particularly its a Google's product and had a lot of expectation which are now seems to be unfulfilled. The Google's Chrome has features that are a combined collection of features in Opera, IE, Mozilla, and Netscape. The Chrome has display of favorite page in start up like that in Opera, its options like clear browser data and other menu options resembles more of Mozilla and the icons like forward and back buttons, and the browsing algorithms, the experience of browsing resembles Netscape.

The only innovation in the Chrome is in history and previously visited sites. Google being such a big shot recently by its release of Chrome had actually lost its style. Hope the future version of the Chrome has innovations and liveliness in it.