Monday, August 11, 2008

I lost my privacy

Well initially, i was blogging for just fun and for myself,. it was more like a diary and not many people visit my blog than myself and some of my friends. But now its not the same condition, my friends in college said there is a way to earn though blog and even though i know about adsense and other advertising sites, but i was not interested. But as for as the pay per post is concerned, one thing that attracted me is that the charity work that they are doing., you can earn a very large amount of money if you have PR blogs, and they have options for you to easily donate a desired amount to the red cross and other charity purpose. So now i've registered in payperpost and a lot of people visit my blog and post fake comments without reading anything but to get some blog visit. Well i felt divine before joining in such ads service, but now i feel like i have lost some thing. But one thing which makes me feel good is that i am now able to donate atleast something to the world.

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