Friday, August 8, 2008

Condescending Words from people

I always don't understand, that why people ill treat others., this society always have this problem going on. The rich always think bad and condescending about the poor people, even though the rich is not going to afford him anything, those rich give a bad look to the poor. The same thing continues with the Brilliant students and the failures., even though the top scorers are not going to aid the slow learners in anyway, they miss treat him, tease him all such thing goes on. This also continues with the color complexion and many other issues,. But why do they wanna speak bad, or think bad about others and care to speak bad, when they don't care to help them ?. This act of discrimination in society always exists in all the forms. But i am damn sure that its never gonna change. Racism have seemingly changed today, which is a big surprise, i the past the black Americans had been miss treated, but now even the white people wanna change their color to black or tan because they started to like black. This happened due to increase in the rapers and singers form black community. They rap like no one could do, so they have proved that they can do something which white can't or lets say its difficult for white. So this is the same solution that could be taken as cure for all other forms,. prove ur potential in anywway and u'll be respected

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