Monday, July 14, 2008

Pray For Me Brother

Ive been always thinking, about why we are like this. Why we are living a life like this. At all the time i listen to music, sleep in AC room, go to college wasting my time there and eating in hotel where it costs so much money, i used to think, there are so many people strive to survive, they lack education and couldn't even get basic education, they dont even have a small shelter to hide from sun and rain. But many others like me spending money for things which are for fun, money of luxurious things. And the below is a video where a girl of 12ve or 13 expressing my own thoughts. So now ive really have the anxiety to do something for living things of my own kind. Be the man on the mirror, make changes for being a better person. Only we could make the change. Lets change the way of things the way they are. So Ive started this welfare association, to change the world. Lets all join our hands.

" Pray For Me Brother "

This is gonna be the goal of my entire life, atleast light up the life of some,... if not many..,

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