Saturday, July 17, 2010

There is always a hole in the wall

For some reason life had become too boring, don’t know exactly why. But its just that after all that is going on and what was going on from the beginning of the evolution till now, nothing is permanent. It’s like at some point we tend to loose interest on anything and everything. I don’t like the same things that I liked when I was a kid, and what I like now won’t be the same in the future. Sometime or the other, sooner or later it all comes down to lose of faith. I hate to admit and shame to say this but, sometime I even get bored of my favorite band or song. And the thought, the feeling that nothing is going to last forever and nothing makes sense forever, makes me loose interest on anything. There is always a hole in the God damn wall. Now a days this loss of hope prevents me from trying for anything new. I am just searching in life for one thing, any one thing to believe in, one thing to love so much that it hurts. And to live my life for that one thing. But always whatever it may be, in the end my dream seems so small, and I find there is a hole in the wall. No theory makes perfect sense about the evolution, nothing is solid. Where do we come from, why are we here, where will we go when our time is done, and what is that we are supposed to do as long as we are here, and why the heck do I get all these questions in my freaking mind. I don’t know, just wondering and searching for a concept that makes sense, one concept that can explain everything.

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