Friday, December 25, 2009

Avatar - A Must learn movie

I'm just typing this review immediately after watching the avatar movie. The movie is God damn great, I don't have words to describe about the movie. Although there are several awesome things in this movie, like Animation CG effects, love, stunts, thrill, story. The combination of all all the mentioned things with a great message is where the movie rules. The theme music of Avatar is one of a kind theme. The affection and care towards mother nature is a very essential message to spread out now at this time, because now we are in the verge of loosing our mother. This movie may seem like a movie for 12yr olds, but trust me the movie has to be watched by all of us and understand, what life on this planet all about. It may appear that living with nature in the forest among trees is not possible at a 'Computer age' that we live in, but this movie makes the views realize that it would be better if we go back to be how we were rather than being how we are. The balance of our planet is breaking down rapidly, and the existence of human race is threatened by global warming, climatic change, bankruptcies, exhausted resources and diversity among people themselves. And the movie Avatar is lesson to be learned by us.

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