Friday, June 26, 2009

Micheal Jackson's death

Micheal Jackson, the angel who lived on earth is no more. On June 25 mid night he experienced a severe cardiac arrest and his soul left all his fans around the world. Micheal left the world, his physical absence made many fans including me feel terribly sad. When he lived, he did his best to entertain people, done a lot of charity works for orphans, he was spreading love all around the world through his songs. But what the world gave him back was just criticisms, rumors and many other unfair activities. There are millions of fans around the world mourning his death, with a heavy pain in all our hearts for not going to see Michael anymore. He is a great human than a entertainer or idol. When i think about his death, i just can't believe that he left us so soon, and my heart bleeds with tears and the pain i feel inside has no name. He had created love in the heart of his fans, and his great work is not writing hit songs, or singing great songs, but gaining people who really burst out of tear when knowing he is gone. Michael always lives in our hearts, in the world of music, in the history that will be spoken forever, in all the moves of dance. Micheal, let his soul rest in peace, and let it be with all his fans forever.

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