Thursday, March 5, 2009

Culturals in My college day 1 ( SSN )

I was excited about our college culturals not because of college patriotism but because of all the free time we would get and also thats the time where you can invite your close school friends to the college. And this time not many of my friend turned up. They all said the same reason, "Project" and they are going to "Project classes"..., WTF. But it is my final year and hence i thought this time im gonna be with my class boys and enjoy to the extreme. Well the first day i went to hostel in the morning and waited till my class Chaps get ready, and then we all started as a group reached Main Audi,.. Guess who is the guest?, it was Aarya (Actor) who came for inauguration function. But the crowd was too much, there were people from so many different colleges and we guys couldn't even get a proper place to stand. Me and my friend Ramani managed to get a cool place near the stage, and were sitting on the foot steps of the stage. This time i didn't do any music work for instincts so i was watching all the other videos and thinking well i could have done a better music :) classic rite?., yeah there were dance and other stuffs going on.
Then after inauguration, we first went to gaming for managing the participant and were helping our guys who were organizing them. But i wanna attend the "Classic solo" which is always cool., so i left the place and went to mini auditorium with my friend Ramani. Well first two participants really rocked, i mean i went for that even bcos i know that even is so peaceful where you can sit for a while and dissolve your soul in Karnatic music. Well i wasn't disappointed, they were singing the Kayani and other different svaram, and songs. Then went to gaming again and it was almost evening. So me and my class gang decided to go for the Dj nite.
And here is where the real fun begins, Well i really have a western fever like many people. And particularly the thinks i like about the western culture is their coolest accent and the different music genre they have. And in that Dj nite i was totally excited, with all the songs being played and friends near dancing, it brought the real Vj to the party. Well to be frank i don't know to dance, i just do dance only at Saturday nights locking my room with some rock song played and that too when my dad is not at home. And my dance would be crazy,. since my friends were forcing to move my butt, and watching them i became still excited and was doing some crazy steps in that Dj nite. I went totally saturated, jumping, swinging, singing (well my favorite Akon tracks were played there) and totally was dancing my ass off, and since this is my final year i wanted to have the full fun so i was doing some crazy moves. But the Dj was playing worst, usually Dj would scratch discs, thats why we call him Disc Jockey, but that Dj brought Scratched disc i guess, because the songs were discontinuous and were stopping in middle abrupt. Our class Cillu gang with Asif, Harish, Catty, were there, and my friend Ramani, his lil bro, Pagal were all dancing to the fullest and i was very tiered and was dancing like a drunk.., well who cares about it when you have your friends near you and you are at center of attraction. lol,. i never knew i would do that. But everyone has a different person inside and he comes out at occasions. After dancing so unconscious, i couldn't anymore, was so much exhausted and it was the end. And i left the college in my college bus, and my mind was so peaceful after reaching the extreme. 

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