Sunday, March 22, 2009

SSN College of Engineering - A Shawshank Redemption

I came into this college with lot of expectations, joined this college with a good score, but things didn't go well after joining the college. Because i was dependent on teacher for studies till my diploma, yeah i was comforted by spoon feeding till i joined engineering. But college life was totally different and i didn't like it from the beginning,. All i was learning for the past 3yrs is nothing but what world really is, i was learning people. But education always been a one day match that takes place before the exam. Yeah i'm a guy who takes the book only in the study holidays and studies well only at the night before exam. Managed to score some average marks and also got placed in a off-campus in TCS. But now planing to do higher studies, and since now i'm in final its quite obvious why i am looking back.
I gained a lot of friends, some friendship that still lasts and i guess will last for long, and some broke up. Had a lot of time to fool around and i was fooling around, the only thing that i didn't involve myself in the past years were smoking, driking, flirting, except these I've done everything what a college guy would do, class room sleeps,one small crush, gang fights, lab malpractices, hanging out with friends etc etc.
I never liked my college in the past, because i always had the thought that if i would have continued in Sai Ram college of Engineering where i did my diploma, i would have been a topper and scored more marks. I learned a lot of other things in SSN college. But the reality was that i was on my own in SSN, never depended on staff's teaching, because its boring. But all I feel now is that, I've became what they call it as "Institutionalized", SSN college, "I tell you, these walls are funny, First you hate them, then you get used to them, and enough time passes.. you get so you depend on them" and thats "Institutionalized".

"They send you here for life,
and thats exactly what it takes,..
part that counts anyway"
There's not a day goes by I feel regret for wasting all the time i had, but then i realized i never wasted my time, i just used them in learning what life is other than just utilizing the time on only studies. I look back on the way I was then, a young stupid kid before joining college without knowing anything but only studies. After joining college studies became just a part time thing to do. UT and strict internals are the reasons which made me touch my books in the weekdays of my college. But now in this final year i really feel that i am gonna miss something, never imagined that i would say this, but yes i am gonna miss "SSN". Well if i score a good mark in TANCET, there is a possibility of joining SSN again for my MBA, but the chances for that too appear little diminished because i'm not that good at entrance exams. I've been in SSN for 3 years, three years where i learned what the world is, and i am an institutional man now,. In here i am a guy who has friends who will be with me in all my problems, but outside ? i don't even wanna imagine. I am sure gonna miss them all. Outside world is going to be so terrific and i even don't have a clue where to begin. The only happy thing is that i still have 2yrs to do my MBA before getting into the material world where i have to work hard, fake smiles in front of boss for all his stupid jokes, promotions,. head spinning. SSN college had become an important part of my life, i've been sent here to learn and i've learned a lot of lessons here. And since i should finish this post with a fine finishing sentence, here comes the water sliding in my eyes,.... "I love SSN" :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

SSN instincts 3rd Day

Well I've already wrote a post on SSN 1st day of Instincts, since i haven't been much on 2nd day of the culturals i skip to 3rd day. 3rd day was actually Saturday, and i was as usual went to college early in my college along with some of my Sai Ram College friends. Morning there wasn't much until 11'o clock, till 10'o clock in the morning we were sitting on Main stage and rocketing, we didn't rocket on people cos there wasn't many. So just like that rocketing,. and then we went to Main Auditorium where there was instruments solo going on,. it was fun sitting there making fun of participants :) yeah i know its mean but who cares when the participant is not aware of our comments,. it was fun. Then went to the main stage later at 12.30PM and there was Dance solo going on, just enjoyed there,. not much in the morning,. but in the night there was group dance,. Initially me(Vj), Kavin, Karthi(Prince), Maddy, Heaven Maker(Dilip), Fluffy(Dileep), Kumar(Kokki) were sitting together in the main stage waiting for the dance to start, but unfortunately some Junior figures from our college were sitting next to us so, people were siting... no no not me,. they were sitting next to me so i didn't turn that side. Next to then the program started were watching the program without any rocketing or siting. Well we watched only some 5 college performance then we all have to stand up and continue watching the program because of crowd. In middle of this a girl was crossing Kumar, and our gang pushed Kumar on that girl,. :)  no nothing happend like what u expect, it was just to screw up Kumar. Then we moved out of the stage because the crowd was worse and we couldn't stand.

Now comes the interesting part, we all moved to the lane next to the main stage made our camp there under the street light. Semma location, its Saturday night, under sodium vapour lamp, with all the funny friends, discussing about long lasting college memories, making fun of each other and  lots of "L" "O" "L",.. Chocks was busy with some other gang, only later came to know that Chocks was actually handling some problem. In middle ABC joined our conversation and he got some real kalai from me,. and i was in form that time so i was so fluent and spontaneous. Then it was his turn he revealed some secrets about Kumar, then Maddy was damaged, but Kavin was actually missed. Since ABC and Kavin are thick as thieves they didn't reveal anything about each other :)
In middle of all the fun that was going on, there was some problem in the college.,. So then police came and there was a hell of problem going on. So we were asked to stay back for a while in college and no one from college was allowed out. So this made the occasion spiced up the whole night. But in middle i was screwed by my dad scolding me for not coming to home soon. Well he still treats me as kid, it was a big screw up that night for me. But it was a unforgettable night of my B.E degree life :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A.R Rahman "Free hugs" (Jiya Se Jiya)

The Below is the video and lyrics of the recent new work by A.R Rahman, Drums Shivamani and group, and watch the video, enjoy the lyrics and hug your neighbor,. And Free Hugs from me too :)

Hey Ude re ude re ude re ude re ude re ude
Ude re umang
Bina dor ke patang
Ek Doosre ke sang
Jud Gaya
Jiya Se Jiya....Jiya Se Jiya
Jiya Se Jiya ....Jiya Se Jiya

Koi gaaye dhun
Koi Nachhe Chhun Chhun
Koi Kahe Sun Sun
Jud Gaya
Jiya Se Jiya ....Jiya Se Jiya

Ambar se sur taal barse .... Gul Barse Gulhaar Barse..
Ambar se sur taal barse Gul Barse Gulhaar Barse..
Jud Gaya re Jud Gaya .....Jiya Se Jiya ....Jiya Se Jiya

Yahan pe Kan Kan Mein
Dil ke darpan mein
Yahan Dagar Dagar mein
Gaaon mein shahar mein
Prem har ek palak mein
har ek palak mein
Prem har ek jhalak mein
har ek jhalak mein

Jud Gaya re Jud Gaya
Jud Jud Gaya re Jud Gaya
Jud Jud Gaya re Jud Gaya
Jiya Se Jiya ....Jiya Se Jiya

Ude re umang
Bina dor ke patang
Ek Doosre ke sang
Jud Gaya
Jiya Se Jiya ....Jiya Se Jiya
Jiya Se Jiya ....Jiya Se Jiya

Koi gaaye dhun
Koi Nachhe Chhun Chhun
Koi Kahe Sun Sun
Jud Gaya
Jiya Se Jiya ....Jiya Se Jiya

Jiya Se Jiya ....Jiya Se Jiya
Jiya Se Jiya ....

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Self Explanatory Post

The following is the e-mail conversation between me and a IEEE author

1st Me:
I am a student from India doing computer science engineering. I read through your paper on Anti-Phish plugin. The concept of DOM tree comparison is a brilliant idea, but as you mentioned in its limitations, it doesn't solve the problem of visual similarity i.e images that could be screen shots etc. But the new html feature "canvas" can aid in getting the pixel color values and position hence would be reliable to identify phishing site even if the page contains image tricks.
And i'd like to know more about your work on this anti phishing tool if you are free to share. Please do send me your DOMAntiphish plugin when you are free, so that i can practically see its working of the tool to study your tool.
Thank you

Reply from Author:
if you are interested in extending the solution with this
new html feature we can study it with two other professor
that will support us in it.
Let me know if you are really technically interested (able)
in doing this work and to write down a paper.

My reply to mail:
It is very kind of you to invite us to work with you its really a honor, Actually we are currently working on a big project targeting google in the field of A.I, also we are working on visual similarity based phishing detection which consists of CANVAS function to store the information about images(a partial representation of color pattern) in a browser client side database using SQLite. Our work is 10% completed and its in the beginning stage and while investigating on this we found your paper, it was very much informative. So thought that it would be great if we combine the DOM tree comparison technique with the canvas image comparison technique so that it would be the next version of work that almost satisfy both layout and visual detection. Thats why i contacted you and other 2 professors to know more detail on the project. We are 2 members ready to work combined with you. Please do let us know the next step and your plan
Thank you

Then reply came from author with existing system attached with his e-mail:

the source code is attached.

Good work ;-)

                                                 "How is it ?"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Culturals in My college day 1 ( SSN )

I was excited about our college culturals not because of college patriotism but because of all the free time we would get and also thats the time where you can invite your close school friends to the college. And this time not many of my friend turned up. They all said the same reason, "Project" and they are going to "Project classes"..., WTF. But it is my final year and hence i thought this time im gonna be with my class boys and enjoy to the extreme. Well the first day i went to hostel in the morning and waited till my class Chaps get ready, and then we all started as a group reached Main Audi,.. Guess who is the guest?, it was Aarya (Actor) who came for inauguration function. But the crowd was too much, there were people from so many different colleges and we guys couldn't even get a proper place to stand. Me and my friend Ramani managed to get a cool place near the stage, and were sitting on the foot steps of the stage. This time i didn't do any music work for instincts so i was watching all the other videos and thinking well i could have done a better music :) classic rite?., yeah there were dance and other stuffs going on.
Then after inauguration, we first went to gaming for managing the participant and were helping our guys who were organizing them. But i wanna attend the "Classic solo" which is always cool., so i left the place and went to mini auditorium with my friend Ramani. Well first two participants really rocked, i mean i went for that even bcos i know that even is so peaceful where you can sit for a while and dissolve your soul in Karnatic music. Well i wasn't disappointed, they were singing the Kayani and other different svaram, and songs. Then went to gaming again and it was almost evening. So me and my class gang decided to go for the Dj nite.
And here is where the real fun begins, Well i really have a western fever like many people. And particularly the thinks i like about the western culture is their coolest accent and the different music genre they have. And in that Dj nite i was totally excited, with all the songs being played and friends near dancing, it brought the real Vj to the party. Well to be frank i don't know to dance, i just do dance only at Saturday nights locking my room with some rock song played and that too when my dad is not at home. And my dance would be crazy,. since my friends were forcing to move my butt, and watching them i became still excited and was doing some crazy steps in that Dj nite. I went totally saturated, jumping, swinging, singing (well my favorite Akon tracks were played there) and totally was dancing my ass off, and since this is my final year i wanted to have the full fun so i was doing some crazy moves. But the Dj was playing worst, usually Dj would scratch discs, thats why we call him Disc Jockey, but that Dj brought Scratched disc i guess, because the songs were discontinuous and were stopping in middle abrupt. Our class Cillu gang with Asif, Harish, Catty, were there, and my friend Ramani, his lil bro, Pagal were all dancing to the fullest and i was very tiered and was dancing like a drunk.., well who cares about it when you have your friends near you and you are at center of attraction. lol,. i never knew i would do that. But everyone has a different person inside and he comes out at occasions. After dancing so unconscious, i couldn't anymore, was so much exhausted and it was the end. And i left the college in my college bus, and my mind was so peaceful after reaching the extreme.