Sunday, February 8, 2009

I’ve become nocturnal in the past week

It was last Sunday I came to know through news channels that Colleges in Tamil Nadu are going to be closed till further notification. And it was quit happy news, but the only sadness was that the order was issued on Sunday, and next tow days i.e Monday and Tuesday are already project holidays for me, also I never expected that the government will keep the college closed more than 2 days. So hearing this news, I really spent the whole Sunday sleeping in my room, morning after finishing my breakfast at 10.30AM, I was listening to music for a about an hour and went to sleep, and when I woke up it was almost 3pm then I had my lunch and went back to bed again and later woke up only at 6pm. Now after all these sleep in the day time how could I get sleep in night. So I took my project work and started to code, yeah this time I really tried coding.
My work was on Phishing detection, and I was on developing a plugin to mozilla firefox browser. And the code to develop Firefox plugin involved XUL which is part of XML. I tried hard and hard to make it but at last got bored by the work. It was head spinning work, so to take care of my head I listened to music. When I looked at the time it was 4AM in the next day morning. After all work in the night again I fall a sleep and only woke up at 9AM did the morning works, eat and went back to sleep, and this had become a routine of the whole week. Now I am not getting sleep at night and I couldn’t stay awake in mornings :) and now back again colleges are opened, now i should continue my past routine of sleeping in the class

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