Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I am really possessive about things I like

Always I had been writing about my personal feelings and good thoughts in my blog, but i have a really bad habit in me,. and i really don't know what will be its outcome. I am really crazy on things that I like the most. For example i never shared my favorite movie name with any of my friends, even with my best friends. Similarly my favorite band, favorite song etc. I feel like the things i like the most gives me some kind of style, a power that unifies me and makes me unique. And when someone else tells me their favorite things and when it matches with mine, i kind of get a disliking. But i always shares the 2nd favorite thing of mine to people. Like for example, if someone asks my favorite..,

Movie - Happy feet
Band - Switchfoot
Song - Dare you to move
but all the above are my second favorite. I don't know whether i am a psycho but i could be a retard :)